Live Bands

Bayonet, Deadset Dream, Animated, O Captain

It was a bit of a rush to get down for this gig. Left work bang on time, rushed home, got changed for a run, showered, and then ran back out to Harrison’s 1854 to catch the first band O Captain. I’d heard them on soundcloud and was really looking forward to them. Glad I […]

Live Bands

Iron Sphincter, The Zombie Band!

Ok, this was interesting! Pete at work let me know about this gig and dragged me down. It was at a venue called The Lughole, on Arundel Street. We’d never heard of it! Turns out it’s a little DIY space used for punk gigs. Basically a concrete box with a stage, a PA and a […]

Live Bands

Heavy Duck, Little Mono, Air Drawn Dagger

On Wednesday I got my first ever request for some photos through the contact form. Joe from Little Mono wanted someone to come and take some photos of their gig at The Green Room. This was an interesting gig. The bands started before 9 and there was no stage, instead just the corner of the […]