Live Bands Wanton

Wanton: Unicorn Hunters, Psython, Steel Trees

While working on my last set of photos, I realised I had a couple of photos sets which didn’t appear to be on the site! Oops! Here is set from Wanton 3, at the Yellow Arch Studios. Sadly we had snow on the day, which limited the turn out, but it was great fun nonetheless! […]

Live Bands Wanton

Wanton: Trigger Thumb, Grace Kim, Lugs

Wanton number two! This time Dave had got them to fix the lights! Hurrah! That made for a MUCH better photography experience. We turned up early enough to catch Lugs soundchecking so I could see how the lights were landing on the stage, so based on this got Dave to adjust the right hand light […]

Live Bands Wanton

WANTON: Abominable soul, Steve and The Sea, Unicorn Hunters, and May The Night Bless You With Heavenly Dreams

Dave Chitty, who I photo’d a long time ago as a drummer for Little Mono asked me to come and take some photos for the new event he was putting on at the Plug: Wanton! Being as I’d caught up with my back log (not for long though!) I accepted and went along to take […]