Live Bands

Regulus, Firegarden, Fear Lies, Santiago Kings, Sleepless

Another night put on by Paul at Harrisons, this time with five bands! In an attempt to avoid the LED problem from my last visit to Harrisons I attempted to use the built in flash on my camera, wrapped up in quite a lot of toilet roll to attempt to diffuse it a bit. It didn’t really work, meaning I abandoned it just for straight light shots instead, meaning it was quite a job to find good shots of the last 2-3 bands due to the lack of white light. Still, some of them came out pretty good, and I’ve worked out that if you pull the temperature and tint right down on lot of the shots you can compensate for the over bright colour spots a bit, without too much changing of the original colours. Mind you, I’m making so many tweaks to these photos now, it seems a bit daft to attempt to try and keep the original colours 😉

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